FORUM: Legal Debating Club
FORUM is the University of Cadiz’s Legal Debating Club. Following in the footsteps of other university team-based competitions, it organises competitive debates among students from the Faculty of Law.
Forum’s events revolve around the discussion of a specific question by two rival teams, one of which has to argue in favour of the motion and the other against. A draw is held beforehand to decide the role to be adopted by each team. The teams are subject to a time limit and have to present their arguments in line with a prescribed structure: first they introduce their position, then they refute their rival’s arguments, and finally they present their own closing arguments.
Given its links with the Faculty of Law, FORUM specialises mainly in debates on legal issues, seeking not only to help students hone their oratory skills but also to explore legal questions and develop sound argumentation techniques.
FORUM is made up of undergraduate students from the Faculty of Law at the University of Cadiz. They are supervised by Dr. Isabel Zurita Martín and Dr. Manuel Jesús Rodríguez Puerto.
The current members of FORUM are: Alejandro Nieto, David Estévez, Mario Neupavert, Samuel Franco, María Luisa Rojí, Pablo Meléndez, Lorena Grosso, María Alberto, Victoria Sañudo and Sebastián Domínguez.
FORUM is always open to new students interested in public speaking, so if the idea appeals to you, don’t hesitate to join.
For more information, or to join the club, email us at
21 de febrero de 2020: FORUM se inicia en el debate de competición a nivel nacional con su participación torneo salamanca la iv liga jurídico (fundación española jurídico)
30 de abril de 2020: Primer Concurso de Debate entre Forum, equipo de debate de la Facultad, y el equipo de debate del IES Álvar Núñez